Monday 2 February 2009

Stickfigure sucessful and Music programs

Following the recent recommendation of the stickfigure animator, i found it to be very useful and very user friendly. I would like to know if there are any free downloadable extras/props? this is defniatley something i will be trying to bring into my next practice. I have also had disscusions with my fellow house mates and wondered if there was a possible program that could be used to create music? does any one know of any that are free to test and see if it would be useful? i am currently downloading fruity loop studio and will report back on its usefulness! thanks for listening

1 comment:

  1. I have also used stickman animation and i found it great fun> What i did to add to it was transfered it to movie maker to add sound and other do-kickeys. I recommend that you give it a go as i believe it can help to achieve QUIM within a classroom
